
If you wish to have a yarn (chat) or need some support, we've got options for ya!

Technical help

First off, don’t forget to check our Bugger page for known bugs or scheduled outages.

You may also find the answer in our Knowledgebase.


Self-serve in GROW

In GROW you can manage your plan, update account information, raise a 24/7 tech support ticket or billing enquiry, renew a domain, set up direct debit and more.


Call our techy Penguin pals

If you are stuck on something or experiencing an issue, call our 24/7 tech team at (03) 5537 9271

For everything else


Talk to our friendly team

Call Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (Melbourne, Australia time).

(03) 7042 6788

Closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.


Fill in the contact form below

You can also email us at yarn @truegreen.au (no spaces).

Or message us on live chat.

Send us a message